sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010


Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone is known for her first name: Madonna.
She was boem in Bay City, on August 16, 1958, in the USA and grew up in Detroit, Michigan.
Madonna played the piano when she was a child, but she didn’t like it. So, she stopped playing the piano and started having dance lessons.
The singer is known for her remarkable dance and her title of Queen of Pop. Most people wants Madonna to fallow up with her polemical style, because this is what characterizes her.
Madonna’s career had taken off when she released an album (September 29, 2009), called Celebration, in which she has her greatest hits.
In 2008, Madonna made a tour on the world. The name of this tour was Sticky and Sweet.
Madonna had just turned 47 when she feel off a horse and broke her wrist and her ribs. Because of this, she called off a concert.
The newspapers say that she would do Twilight, but she deny it.
Many bands were set up by her and many songs were written by her also. She became famous in N.Y. So far she has made success and her fans belive she’ll carry on making greant music.

-L e N - 9°FA

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